Friday, August 24, 2007

CIOS 282

CIOS 282 1-3 Credits
Cooperative Work Experience
On-the-job training related to occupational objectives. Weekly seminar with coordinator required. (Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and 12 credits in CIOS courses.) Offered As Demand Warrants

Martin Leonard III
Assistant Professor, CIOS
v. 907-543-4510 f. 907-543-4551, Skype. martinuaf
e. url.
IM. Y!: martinuaf MSN: martinuaf Skype: martinuaf

Cooperative Education is a part of the total educational process that assists students in exploring and wisely choosing a career, preparing for full-time employment and advancing in careers of their choice. The plan combines college study and work to give students the broadest possible preparation for a career and has the uniqueness of turning business, industry and government agencies of the community into an expanded educational training laboratory. The course is designed for students who are interested in jobs relating to their college major or career goal. It provides an opportunity to explore areas of career interest, increase learning and responsibilities on current jobs under the supervision of a college instructor with the intent of assisting them to acquire desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness.

This course requires students to initiate and coordinate meetings and deliver completed tasks in a timely manner. Failure to attend employment meetings, meet deadlines and project and task completion dates will result in a significantly lower grade or failure of this course. It is your responsibility to DROP the course before the last day to withdraw.

Students should have adequate skill level to be of value to employers. ITS students should have completed their degree core classes or have permission of Instructor-Mentor.

List of Class Competencies
1. To design a project or find an internship that is appropriate and useful.
2. To be able to learn new skills and to apply those skills in a work related situation.
3. To be able to plan and initiate an individual project.
4. To be able to use a journal to monitor the day-to-day experiences of working and to use those experiences to develop new skills.
5. To be able to monitor the projects progress and to adjust the projects expectations to reflect new experiences.
6. To be able to reflect upon and evaluate personnel strengths and weaknesses and to improve personnel competence in providing microcomputer support.
7. To be able to develop professional contacts and practical experience that will be useful for employment.
8. To be able to experience the professional expectations of working in a microcomputer support job.
9. To be able to experience and apply the ethical standards and expectations of a microcomputer support job.
10. To be able to present the results of your experience so that it will be valuable to others.
11. To be able to meet ethical and professional expectations of a work situation.

General Requirements to ‘Pass This Class’
• Attend Meetings and Work Sessions…this class is taught as an intensive and is lecture and practicum – based. You’ve got to be there to get the information. No excused absences unless authorized prior to class via agreement between instructor and student. Meetings as agreed upon by students, instructor and employer.
• Complete assigned tasks and duties…your employer will outline specific tasks and duties that you must perform for your job...complete these tasks and duties in a timely manner and to the best of your ability.
• Communicate with instructor and employer…I don’t know your needs or concerns unless you communicate with me. When you have a problem, contact me immediately! IM, email, voice…just connect! Office hours, physical and via IM are 9am to 10am daily or via scheduled appointment.
• Develop positive work habits... your employer will be evaluating your attendance performance and overall attitude while on the job. Develop good work habits: be on time, complete tasks in a timely manner, contribute to the well being of your workplace.

Review all the documents and forms on the Cooperative Work Experience website. Complete the student portion of the application form and meet with your Mentor-Instructor. Discuss job interests and placements for your work experience.

Complete application for KuC student worker and/or KuC employment partners submitted to Instructor-Mentor's office; enrollment in a minimum of seven units during concurrent semester (including 282).

Mentor-Instructor and Team Meetings:

You are required to coordinate and meet individually with your CIOS 282 Mentor at least three times during the enrollment period. You are required to attend scheduled team meetings with employers as part of your grade.

The first meeting is on-campus with your mentor-instructor to discuss your application, interests and placements. Second meeting will be with your employer and mentor to discuss terms of employment and completion of the course. Third meeting will be with your employer and mentor to review 1st evaluation. Any interim meetings will be at the request of the student, mentor or/and employer. Final meeting will be with mentor to review evaluations and collect journal work and final report synopsis.


Three evaluations are required throughout the semester or the term of your course. First evaluation will be coordinated and review as a team with your mentor and employer after the first 1/3 of your experience. Subsequent evaluations will take place at 2/3 way through your contracted work and a final evaluation at the end of your experience. Second and final evaluations are coordinated by the student and should be turned in directly to the mentor-instructor.

Evaluations forms are present on the website:


A journal documenting your work attendance, duties assigned, tasks completed, difficulties, successes as well as any comments regarding your experience should be kept. This journal will be turned in at the end of your experience. Journals and any information contained within are held in confidence between instructor-mentor and student.

Final Report:

A final report will be presented at the end of your experience and is due at the close of the semester enrolled in CIOS 282. This report should summarize and elaborate many of the notes in your journal. Report should be no less than three pages. Please read the Final Report worksheet for details.

Grading Policy:

Job Attendance: 50%
Completion of Evaluation Forms: 25%
Attendance Team Meetings: 10%
Journal 10%
Final Report 15%


Student Assistance, Advising Center, ITS Lab:

The KuC Student Services and Advising Center provides assistance that contribute to a successful learning experience and transition to a career. Services are available by appointment and on a walk-in basis.

Staff at the KuC recognize the unique concerns of adult and returning students. Services include pre-admission advising, academic assessment and placement advising, financial aid information and application, and assistance with choosing a major. Ongoing academic advising, degree planning and course selection are available.

The ITS lab is dedicated to ITS students and IT training. The lab is located in the main KuC instruction building and is available for ITS student use provided classes are not scheduled.

For more information, contact the KuC Advising team at 907.543.4554, contact student services at 907.543.4562. ITS Lab manager 907.543.4557, ITS Lab 907.543.4578


Disability and Counseling Services:

a program of the Center for Health and Counseling, provides services for UAF students with disabilities to ensure equal access to educational opportunities. Services are free of charge and available to any student who qualifies as a person with a disability.

Some of the services provided include note takers, readers, audio-taped texts, test proctoring and other alternative testing arrangements and sign language interpreters. Other available resources include enlarged print and other adaptive materials and assistive technology at the Assistive Technology Lab. Disability Services also provides referral to other campus and community resources, advocacy for students needing accommodations from faculty and staff, and advocacy for students experiencing physical accessibility problems.

To discuss eligibility and available services, call the UAF Center for Health and Counseling at (907) 474-7043 or TTY (907)474-7045 and schedule an appointment with the coordinator of Disability Services. Students who prefer to meet at the KuC Campus can schedule an appointment through KuC Student Services by calling (907) 543- 4562.

Mental Health Counseling Services are provided by Diane McEachern 907.543.4597, Room 114 in the main campus building.